If it's a solution, it has to be simple.
Project and Administrative Consultancy
Young entrepreneurs in the process of establishing a manufacturing or production set up like a mechanical workshop, a food processing industry, a manufacturing unit or similar business often fall short of time and energy for planning, organising, staffing, coordinating and execution of the activities leading to delays and escalation of overheads in completion of their project.
Our consultants at Prudence can aid in such activities right from preparation of project report and processing legal compliance. We can also aid in identifying, indenting and installation of machines and infrastructure, staffing the establishment and setting up standard operating procedures till finally handing over the set up to its owners in a fully functional state.
Some of the situations where we can provide consultancy in administrative and back end activities are summarised below.

Are you almost there but just short of time and requisite effort?
Entrust your task to us, you will be delighted.

Well established businesses focused on delivering current orders often loose out on new clients, new business and new opportunities. This may happen due to inadequate followup action, inadequacy of time, inadequacy of qualified staff or at times due to inadequate techno-commercial negotiations with the prospective clients.
We at Prudence can aid in following up leads right from responding to initial inquiries, communicating with prospective clients, preparing and submitting the tenders in time, preparing and presenting the business proposals to prospective clients, participating in technical and commercial negotiations till final securing and signing of the business contract.
Situation 1. Is your business loosing out on new clients and new opportunities for want of follow up action?
Age old business organisations having infrastructure and machinery of generic nature and catering to demands of a particular type of industry or client often loose out on diversification opportunities due to want of technical know how, despite facing stiff competition in the current business.
For example, a fabrication workshop having general purpose machines and infrastructure may be producing equipment for say, textile industry since ages. There may be stiff competition in the current business while lucrative opportunities and demand may exist for producing a different product with the same infrastructure and machines. It may be possible to diversify but the owners may loose out on the opportunity due to fear of unknown and lack of technical know how about the new product.
We can help businesses capitalize on such opportunities by organising and providing the technical know how and reorienting the set up for a new product
Situation 2. Are you facing stiff competition in your age old business but reluctant to diversify due to want of know how?
Situation 3. Are you excelling in your core business but finding it difficult to handle office administration and back office activities?
Small business organisations often excel in their core business areas while facing handicap on office administration issues. For example, the production on the shop floor may be highly efficient but office work like handling of documents, compilation and maintenance of records, linking up correspondence and drafting replies to customers, suppliers and govt agencies, timely preparation and submission of tenders etc may be disorganized.
This often happens due to inadequacy of qualified staff or the exorbitant cost of hiring trained administrative staff.
We can be of immense assistance to such businesses by remotely handling their routine commercial, legal and financial correspondence. We can simplify the office procedures, train the office staff and formulate SOPs so that the owners can thereafter, handle such issues with minimum trained staff.